Wednesday, November 22, 2023

10.0 Riding out of Ushuaia

Just a short post to signify a change in direction - we are now heading North, generally. This is effectively the start - it just took us 4,200km through Uruguay, Argentina and a bit of Chile to get here.

We are also posting this because the first 100km today were, believe it or not, nice! There was no rain, hail, sleet or snow. The wind levels dropped a little and the temperature didn't drop below 8°C. There were trees and some scenery and Francoise was able to take some photos from the bike without fear of losing the camera.

Then the winds set in again and we lost the scenery. It's a one road in, one road out place, so we have been here before and know what to expect tomorrow. 

But in the meantime, here are some photos from today.

78.0 Over and out.

Eleven months might be up, but our card for the USA National Parks is still valid and the USA was just across the border. So we took another...