Monday, November 27, 2023

12. Torres del Paine

A day off the bike whilst we stay in Puerto Natales.

The trip around the Torres del Paine National Park is probably one of the great motorcycle roads, but we are simply not up to the off-road combined with both the distance and the wind. The wind was up again, gusting to over 50mph - but we were now tourists in a minivan and just as Francoise's photos don't really give the true picture of how difficult a road can be, they don't give you the wind either. But we suspect that she will get some practice at this.

We were lucky to have a clear sky in the morning - it just wouldn't have been the same in cloud. We also had condors and were told there were three pumas in the distance but our eyes coupled with the zoom on Francoise's camera were not really up to it. Picture borrowed from our Guide, Filippe and even his arms length zoom is not that clear. There is a very pixilated animal shape with a tail lying in the shadow of a wall when you zoom in on the big screen.

Very special day for our one month away anniversary on this trip, another seven to go!

And now for some photos - and we really weren't expecting the iceberg!

78.0 Over and out.

Eleven months might be up, but our card for the USA National Parks is still valid and the USA was just across the border. So we took another...