Having had our adventures riding round the world on our Harley Electraglide we had to do something else - the bug had bitten and we couldn't draw a line under it whilst we were still able and keen to ride. So we have set out for the Americas. In 2014 we crossed North America; now we are travelling from South to North America. After the Electraglide, which is a bit long in the tooth with 130,000 on the clock, it had to be another Harley. So we have a Pan America to ride Pan America.
78.0 Over and out.
Eleven months might be up, but our card for the USA National Parks is still valid and the USA was just across the border. So we took another...
It would seem that Buffalo do not exist in North America. Nothing to do with them becoming extinct here or anything like that, they just nev...
A post written before we set off and that is something more for us to remember things by in the future than anything very interesting... We ...